JCP cover

Journal of Clinical Pathology (JCP) offers a mix of cutting-edge academic research and practical clinical advice. As one of the few broad scope pathology journals, it enables the busy pathologist to keep up to date with the latest developments in all disciplines of pathology, including histopathology, virology, haematology, microbiology, cytopathology, chemical pathology, molecular pathology, forensic pathology, dermatopathology, neuropathology and immunopathology.   You can read it via links at the top of this page (you need to be logged in to see these).

Published monthly, each issue contains original research articles, reviews, short reports, editorials and correspondence.  Selected articles have accredited online learning modules for self-assessment and CME.  Other popular sections for education and self-assessment include Gene of the Month, Molecules in Pathogenesis and Grand Rounds. 

JCP is the official journal of the Association of Clinical Pathologists and is published by BMJ. ACP members receive online access to the journal as part of their membership and can subscribe to the print version at a significantly discounted rate.

Editor-in-Chief:  Professor Vikram Deshpande, Harvard Medical School

Impact Factor:   4.463 (2022)

CiteScore:   7.0 (2022)

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